Create button calls-to-action (CTA) with brizy builder

Philip is freelancer

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February 05, 2023 08:40 pm

Call to action buttons (also known as CTA buttons) are clickable buttons that inspire your website visitors to perform a specific action (your desired conversion). That could be anything you want your visitors to do such as subscribing to a newsletter, signing up for a free trial, scheduling a demo, adding an item to a shopping cart, submitting a contact form, starting a live chat, filling out a signup form, taking a survey, simply visiting a particular website page, etc. CTA buttons may either aim to instantly convert visitors or serve as valuable steps in the sales funnel for completing secondary conversion goals.

CTA buttons can typically be found on homepages, landing pages, product pages, pricing pages, sales emails, newsletters, at the end of articles or blog posts, and in online ads. They can also be placed nearly anywhere where you want to catch your visitors’ attention, engage and entice them to take the desired action, and improve your conversion rate. This is why call to action buttons are usually the biggest, the brightest, and take up the most prominent position on the page they are placed.

Why are call to action buttons so important?

The success of your website is determined by how well it can convert visitors and prospects into paying customers. Whenever visitors land on your website, they do expect some guidance on what they should do next. Otherwise, they might get confused and bounce off your page without ever taking further action. However, e.g., according to a study by Small Biz Trends, around 70% of small business B2B websites lack a call-to-action.

Strategically placed call to action buttons create a better user experience for visitors, grab their attention, encourage them to take the next steps, increase engagement. They also help you improve your goal conversions, and contribute to your overall website conversion rates. Specifically, when it comes to your landing pages, a visually appealing, well-placed CTA button can ultimately mean the difference between a conversion and a bounce. The success of your email marketing campaigns also greatly depends on the efficiency of your email CTAs.

Create button calls-to-action (CTA) with brizy builder

  • Use Accordion element
  • Set ID name Accordion: calls-action-cta
  • Change TEXT >> 💬
  • Add some css code
  • Stick the call to action button


#calls-action-cta .brz-accordion__item.brz-accordion__item--active .brz-accordion__nav-title {

display: none!important;


#calls-action-cta .brz-accordion__item:not(.brz-accordion__item--active) .brz-accordion--icon-wrapper {

display: none!important;


#calls-action-cta .brz-accordion--icon-wrapper {

margin: 0!important;


#calls-action-cta .brz-accordion__item {

width: fit-content!important;


I have created 2 call-to-action buttons here

If you feel the content is useful. Thank for me with a coffee 😊