Fake Push Notification

Philip is freelancer

If you feel the content is useful. Thank for me with a coffee ๐Ÿ˜Š

December 09, 2021 04:40 pm

The Fake Push notification helps developers to create browser push notification style alert popup displayed in the lower right corner of the page.

They are written entirely in pure javascript. Compatible with brizy cloud.

How to use it:

Add JavaScript library and the Fake Push plugin in tag .

How to change information? Random message: 30 to 70 seconds.

Auto hide after 10 seconds.

Donate 1 cup of coffee to remove the Dofollow link attached to the footer. Here

demo: Click

Enter code that will be injected into the 'head' or 'footer' tag

<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/webcode24h/libs@main/brizyplus/fake-notification/fake-notification.css" rel="stylesheet">

<div class="webtricks"><a style="position: absolute; font-size: 12px; height: 20px; width: 150px; bottom: 0; right: 0;" href="https://webcode24h.com/">webcode24h.com</a></div>


var r_avatar = [];

r_avatar[0] = "https://yourpicture.jpg";

r_avatar[1] = "https://yourpicture1.jpg";

r_avatar[1] = "https://yourpicture2.jpg";


r_avatar[35] = "https://yourpicture35.jpg";

var r_name_buyer = [];

r_name_buyer[0] = "Your name";

r_name_buyer[1] = "Trinidad Pilu";

r_name_buyer[2] = "Steve Shead";


r_name_buyer[35] = "Chetan Patnekar";

var r_name_type_item = [];

r_name_type_item[0] = "Purchased an item";

r_name_type_item[1] = "Purchased an item1";

r_name_type_item[2] = "Purchased an item2";


r_name_type_item[10] = "Purchased an item10";

var min = 30;

var max = 120;


<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/webcode24h/libs@main/brizyplus/fake-notification/fake-notification-1.8.js"></script>

If you feel the content is useful. Thank for me with a coffee ๐Ÿ˜Š