Lucky spin wheel

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<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<div id="vong-quay-may-man" align="center">
  <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
    <td width="552" height="552" class="the_wheel" align="center" valign="center">
     <canvas id="canvas" width="434" height="434">
      <p style="{color: white}" align="center">Sorry, your browser doesn't support canvas. Please try another.</p>

//tu dong mo popup
//Thong so vong quay
let duration = 5; //Thoi gian ket thuc vong quay
let spins = 10; //Quay nhanh hay cham 3, 8, 15
let theWheel = new Winwheel({
'numSegments': 8, // Chia 8 phan bang nhau
'outerRadius': 212, // Dat ban kinh vong quay
'textFontSize': 18, // Dat kich thuoc chu
'rotationAngle': 0, // Dat goc vong quay tu 0 đen 360 đo.
'fillStyle': '#eae56f',
'text': 'Voucher 50%',
'voucher': 'GDJERT1'
}, {
'fillStyle': '#89f26e',
'text': 'Voucher 30$',
'voucher': '5GHJLG2'
}, {
'fillStyle': '#7de6ef',
'text': 'Voucher 10$',
'voucher': 'ADGKGD3'
}, {
'fillStyle': '#e7706f',
'text': 'Voucher 15$',
'voucher': 'FJOFSS4'
}, {
'fillStyle': '#eae56f',
'text': 'Voucher 10$',
'voucher': 'WEYVDT5'
}, {
'fillStyle': '#89f26e',
'text': 'Voucher 15$',
'voucher': 'GDRKHT6'
}, {
'fillStyle': '#7de6ef',
'text': 'Voucher 10$',
'voucher': 'FSTIFY7'
}, {
'fillStyle': '#e7706f',
'text': 'Voucher 20$',
'voucher': 'JGFTUI8'
}], // Cac thanh phan bao gom mau sac va van ban.
'animation': {
'type': 'spinToStop',
'duration': duration,
'spins': spins,
'callbackSound': playSound, //Ham goi am thanh khi quay
'soundTrigger': 'pin', //Chi dinh chan la de kich hoat am thanh
'callbackFinished': alertPrize, //Ham hien thi ket qua trung giai thuong
'pins': {
'number': 32 //So luong chan. Chia deu xung quanh vong quay.

//Kiem tra vong quay
let wheelSpinning = false;

//Tao am thanh va tai tap tin tick.mp3.
let audio = new Audio('');

function playSound() {
audio.currentTime = 0;;

function stopAngle() {
//Ta co: 360 do chia 8 bằng 45 do cho moi giai thuong.
//VD: Giai 3 => Co goc do tu 91 den 135.
let start = 91;
let stop = Math.floor((Math.random() * 93)); //Gia tri cao nhat 44
let stopAt = start + stop;
theWheel.animation.stopAngle = stopAt;

document.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
if (document.querySelector("#quaythuong form div.brz-forms2__alert--success") != null) {
if (wheelSpinning == false) {
          //dat ket qua mong muon
          //Ham bat dau quay

          //Khoa vong quay
          wheelSpinning = true;

function alertPrize(indicatedSegment) {
document.querySelector('#voucher-code strong').innerText = indicatedSegment.voucher;
//show code voucher
var showVoucher = document.querySelectorAll('.wtr-hidden');
Array.from(showVoucher).forEach(showHidden => {

This content has been hidden.

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How to use it

Download file, upload to Brizy. Done (Then you can see the css code from here)

  1. Click download
  2. To import, go to a page >> click on "add a new block" >> select "saved" tab >> click on "import new block" >> Upload your zip file >> Completed.
  3. Customize to your fancy. Watch the video tutorial here

*Note: License Pro is required for the functions to work

Key word:

lucky spin wheel brizy